Uniwake WinterJam 2013 from HeliPhoto on Vimeo.
The winterjam is the first event on the uni wakeboarding calendar of the year and it is COLD.. 2 wetsuits, neo socks, and a neo hood. ha.
The compeition was run as a jam format which meant that each catagory had 20minutes of riding, and in that time, you could crash as often as you like.
I was competing in the mens A catagory and i was pretty stoked to ride, after picking up my new Slingshot Newton board with Shredtown bindings just a week before. In my run, i managed to various tricks of the kickers and the sliders including the first toeside 720 of the competition of the right kickers, and a heelside front 360 on the transfer, which i was pretty happy with. Airtricks wise, i got a big railey to blind, and a back to blind. I didnt feel i had a particularly good run, but i think my consistency and continual hits, gave me the win....
STOKED. It was a really well run event, and i cant wait for the wake nationals in june :)
Also a bigups to the Southampton Solent crew, who stole 1st place in every men's catagory, and Rosanna Jury for killing it in the girls catagory taking 2nd place, just behind a rider who should have been in womens A catagory, and is sponsored haha.
Check out the pics from the event, and also the quick heliphoto vid i created.